Cherish Desire Erotica Catalog
Very Dirty Stories Catalog
What if you needed something different, something lurid and intense, to spark your imagination? What if the same old same old stopped turning you on? What if you wanted to know more than an anonymous photo or video upload could tell you? What if there was a way to indulge in delicious depravity, perverse passions, and tawdry temptation?
You're in the right place. Cherish Desire Very Dirty Stories is all about corrupting your innocence and making you shiver in anticipation. Fair warning: our erotica may be too big for one-handed fun.
You're in the right place. Cherish Desire Very Dirty Stories is all about corrupting your innocence and making you shiver in anticipation. Fair warning: our erotica may be too big for one-handed fun.

Very Wicked Dirty Stories Catalog
Do you believe that the darkness of desires are shadows always encircling the hope of fulfillment and pleasure? Do you believe in the twisted realities fueled by the uninhibited passions and perversity of the chosen? Are you willing to risk their sexual urges, their powerful alliances, and their willingness to defend their own as well as to strike out and forcefully embrace what they require?
You're searching in the right place. Cherish Desire Very Wicked Dirty Stories hint at the unobserved and strange frayed edges of reality that we like to censor or ignore. Ghosts, shapeshifters, and great powers linger just beyond the firelight while watching humanity sleep. Fair warning: waking up may mean they can see you, too.
You're searching in the right place. Cherish Desire Very Wicked Dirty Stories hint at the unobserved and strange frayed edges of reality that we like to censor or ignore. Ghosts, shapeshifters, and great powers linger just beyond the firelight while watching humanity sleep. Fair warning: waking up may mean they can see you, too.

Very Dirty Stories - Free Orgasms Catalog
We wanted to share our favorite sex stories. We loved the ones that broke out of the conventional erotica mold, shattered the limitations of casual romance and sex, and dove into detailed and realistic action involving stretching, large sex toy play, vaginal and anal fisting, domination, fantasy monster and animal dildo play, restraints and suspension, elaborate medical and DIY devices, and more. We did it bit by bit, discovering and learning as we went, and challenged readers to be sexually aroused by something truly intense or charmingly subtle.
You've found us. Cherish Desire Very Dirty Stories- Free Orgasms encourages men and women to expose themselves and embrace their fears and desires while pursuing pleasure, passion, and delightfully dirty secrets.
You've found us. Cherish Desire Very Dirty Stories- Free Orgasms encourages men and women to expose themselves and embrace their fears and desires while pursuing pleasure, passion, and delightfully dirty secrets.

Cherish Desire Singles Catalog
Did you need something longer than a one night stand? Did you hope the adventures and sexual exploits of your favorite companions would last? Did you want to binge on collections of deviant delights and sensual struggles for power, control, and submission?
We've got something for you. Cherish Desire Singles go deeper, harder, faster, and expose the soft white underbelly of sensual need while delivering thrust after thrust of sexual intensity and the soothing pleasures of passionate affection.
We've got something for you. Cherish Desire Singles go deeper, harder, faster, and expose the soft white underbelly of sensual need while delivering thrust after thrust of sexual intensity and the soothing pleasures of passionate affection.

Cherish Desire Divinations Catalog
What lurks in the darkness and shadows? What remains of the legends and powers from the old tales? Don't you want to know about kusty shapeshifters, impassioned spirits, dangerous players, and perverse pagan deities who beckon with sordid promises and unseemly urges?
We know you do. Cherish Desire Divinations seeks the truth behind our fevered imaginations and sexual desires. The thin disguise of humanity has been stripped away, and the results include bestial sexual rituals and self-enlightened spirituality that arouse jaded perversions only satisfied with more
We know you do. Cherish Desire Divinations seeks the truth behind our fevered imaginations and sexual desires. The thin disguise of humanity has been stripped away, and the results include bestial sexual rituals and self-enlightened spirituality that arouse jaded perversions only satisfied with more